World Grand Champion Horses in Miniature

We have included this form for your convenience . We will not share or forward any of your personal information or comments with anyone. If you prefer to use your standard e-mail program to contact us, that’s OK too. You will find our e-mail address on all of our web pages. We have purposely not made a link from that address to minimize the chance for spam and other malicious communications. We do require you to fill in your E-Mail address so we can respond back to your questions or comments.
We are no longer producing a DVD of our sale horses. All of our horses are featured on our You Tube channel: SCOTTCREEK2010. Videos for each horse are posted on the sale pages of our website . If you have any questions please include them on this form. Thank you for considering our wonderful Scott Creek horses.
Joanne & Larry Ross
6100 Aumsville Hwy SE
Salem, OR 97317
Home: 503-585-3100 | Cell: 503-580-6827

The farm is located on the Southeast edge of Salem, Oregon. We are approximately one hour driving time south of the Portland International Airport. The farm is located roughly 3 miles east of Interstate Highway 5. The map above shows our location.
On Interstate 5, watch for exit 253. This is the North Santiam Pass, Highway 22 exit. After exiting Interstate 5, head east on Highway 22. Within a half mile is Home Depot on the right. Take the Lancaster Drive exit 2. At the stop light turn right. You will be heading roughly Southeast on Lancaster Drive. In about a mile you will come to another stop light. The cross road at this intersection is Keubler Blvd. Go straight through the light. At this point the road you are traveling on is called Aumsville Highway. In about a half mile you will pass between the Marion County Sheriff offices on the left and an Oregon Correctional facility on the right. Remain on Aumsville Highway and follow the road up the hill. You will do a little winding as you go up the hill. At the top of the hill stay to the right and stay on Aumsville Highway. In a few hundred yards on the right you will notice a board fence surrounding a pasture that has camels in it. After passing the camels, our driveway is the third one on the right. It is a blacktop driveway. There is a sign saying Scott Creek adjacent to the driveway. Follow the blacktop through the brick pillared gate. You will end up at the barns. There is a circular driveway to easily maneuver very large trailers.
Our street address is: 6100 Aumsville Highway
If you have problems, our home phone is: 503-585-3100. Joanne’s cell phone is: 503-580-6827