World Grand Champion Horses in Miniature

Generally we steer away from the endless maze of links that can be found throughout the internet. We do, however feel that we may be able to provide a service to miniature horse enthusiasts and our clients by including links to useful suppliers, services and information sources. By providing these links, it is our hope that they will be of some benefit to the care and enjoyment of the horses or furthering your knowledge base. We will continue to add to this list as we come across other resources that we feel can be of global benefit to the miniature horse community.
Veterinary / Grooming Products
Jeffers On Line Catalog: Large mail order livestock supply company for vaccines and grooming
Omaha Vaccine: Large Mail order livestock supply company for vaccines and grooming
Fisher Scientific: Mail order scientific supply company where we get milk test strips
Clippers commonly used with miniatures
Kim Laube Co.: Makers of cordless clippers with rechargeable batteries that use A-5 blades
Double K Industries: Makers of the cable driven clippers that use A-5 blades
Paging systems for foaling
EquiPage: Halter style paging system (refer to our article on foaling alarms for other styles)
Tack, Harness, Blankets, Driving Carts, Show Clothes
Estate Horse Supply: Distributor for Jerald carts, Myler Bits, Harness, other driving equipment
Mini Express: Supplier driving tack, harness, and other assorted equipment.
Howard Stables: Distributor for Showtime show halters. This is an e-mail address to make inquiries
The Horse Blanket: Grooming, tack, and driving gear as well as horse blankets
Dressed To Win: Equestrian Show Apparel at www.dresstowin.info
Informative publications
The Horse: A great magazine covering a wide range of topics most dealing with horse health and care
Small Horse Press: Books and video both instructional and entertaining related to all aspects of miniature horses, their care, management, showing and enjoyment. Joanne even shows up as one of the “experts” on some of the videos.